How to Create Scalable Profits and Impact with Your Own Premium Online Programs!

You have a higher purpose to make a bigger impact with your expertise - and the world needs leaders like you to step up more than ever right now.


It’s time to expand your reach by offering your own profitable premium programs!


You’re ready to earn great money with more freedom. 


You deserve a thriving business that supports your lifestyle (without taking over your life). 


Maybe you’ve been thinking about offering programs....and now that most businesses in the world have moved online, this has become a top priority for you. 

Or maybe you’ve tried creating and launching your online courses but it hasn’t been nearly as profitable as you hoped - and you’re not sure how to make it work better.


There’s never been a better time to provide virtual education and inspiration. More people than ever are on the Internet now. 


And they’re investing in online learning.


So let’s get you going!

My Irresistible Marketing Club helps you create, market and sell your premium programs online - with ease. 

If you’re…

  • Unclear about creating a captivating program that stands out and sells.

  • Unsure how to fill your programs with plenty of ideal clients so they’re profitable.

  • Frustrated because you’ve had low results trying to fill previous courses, and you don’t know how to improve. 

  • ​Sick of struggling with online marketing that gets ignored.

...Don’t worry, you’re not alone. And you’re in the right place!

“I help you create hot-selling online programs that represent your unique value and get noticed in a crowded online world.” 

I show you how to package your programs with authentic, compelling copy that gets a huge response, attracting thousands of the right people to you. 


I give you my proven marketing plans and strategies to quickly fill your programs with committed, high-paying clients. 


You can be bringing in $100,000’s by sharing your expertise, helping more people, and working LESS. Yep, you can grow a thriving online business working part-time, on your own terms. 


I’ve done it and my clients have too. Here’s my story...

“I used to worry that serving more clients would mean working so hard I’d get burned out and have no life balance.”

But that’s not the case at all!  


My leveraged online business allows me to support thousands of people any hour of the day, even when I’m not working.  


I am so grateful to have a business that lets me enjoy my life! I love having the flexibility to work from home so I can see my daughter Emily often. She brings me so much joy!


I take great care of myself so I can give from an overflowing cup. I do yoga. I go on hikes in the forest and on the beach. I dance. I also love to sing a type of Indian spiritual music called kirtan. This is my favorite way to connect with the divine.


The best part is — I’m more deeply fulfilled because my programs are making a positive impact all over the world. My message is helping more people lead happier, higher quality lives.


I want this for you too! You deserve to be paid well AND enjoy plenty of freedom as your business grows.


My proven systems and coaching have helped many of my clients grow lucrative 6-figure and 7-figure businesses - see just some of their testimonials on this page. 


This can work for you too. 

“I’ve earned over $9 million in my business - helping thousands of entrepreneurs around the world...”

My clients are creating amazing results with their own programs.. They’re changing more lives while expanding their profits, freedom and fulfillment. It’s SO inspiring to celebrate their growth. 


I’m passionate about showing entrepreneurs like you how to create and fill online programs because it’s the ultimate sustainable business model. 


Kathleen Graham

“My husband and I have earned over $3 million from applying Vrinda’s systems. I feel so empowered - I know anything is possible.”

  • Made $100,000 from 2 program launches in her first year, starting with no email list.

  • Grew her email list to over 10,000 while she packed her Wild Women In Love programs with clients she loves. 

  • ​Used her launching skills to help her husband’s Man on Fire business and together they’ve earned over $3 Million!

Rebecca Walker

“Vrinda absolutely changed my business trajectory. I’m now making over $600,000 a year!”

  • “Working with Vrinda was the single best thing I have said yes to.”

  • Turned her disappointing sales around to earn $30,000 in her first weight loss program launch. 

  • ​Continued growing to earn over $600,000 annually, while enjoying 4 vacations every year!

Christina Morassi

“In 1 year, I grew a truly leveraged business and earned $700,000!”

  • Used to struggle with inconsistent cash flow in her low-6-figure private services business.

  • Expanded her reach by filling group programs and events with 100’s of clients. 

  • Grew her revenues to $700,000 in just 1 year!

Jennifer Russell

“I’ve increased the enrollments in my yearlong program by 4 times! Finally, I’m earning 6-figures.”

  • Struggled to fill her group programs on spiritual growth.

  • Made $40,000 in new sales after transforming her marketing.  

  • ​Now earns over 6-figures a year!

Penelope Jane Smith

“OMG I surpassed my goal - I made over $700,000 from hosting my online event!”

  • Revamped her online events and marketing to enroll more clients into her high-ticket program.

  • Skyrocketed her sales conversions and earned over $700,000 in each of her last several online events.

  • On track to make over $2 million dollars this year!

Jennifer Darling

“I made more than my annual income in just 3 days!”

  • Went from hustling for barely $90K in one year to earning $130K in her event launch.

  • Quickly enrolled 50 people into her LinkedIn business growth program with a launch webinar that converted 43% of her audience into buyers!

  • ​Makes multiple 6 figures a year with a lifestyle-friendly work schedule.

So let’s do this together! Here’s how my Irresistible Marketing Club can help…

The Irresistible Marketing Club is a close-knit, deeply supportive community of purpose-driven entrepreneurs. Being a member gives you access to my proven methods to create and fill profitable premium programs of your own.


I love witnessing the incredible growth and inspiration in this group. You get consistent access to customized coaching and feedback.


Below are the 5 Key Elements you learn with the in-depth curriculum we provide. 

Your Profitable Premium Programs

You get my complete training on how to turn your experience and expertise into a hot-selling high-ticket program. From finding your perfect topic, to structuring your course for the best learning experience, to packaging your offer with irresistible copy - I’ve got you covered.


I also help you strategically design your programs and services so it’s easy to enroll clients from one to the next. I show you how to simplify your offerings so you work less and make a bigger impact - and enjoy more profits.

Your Magnetic Marketing Plan

One marketing plan does not fit all! You need a specific strategy to fill your program depending on the price point, niche, your experience level and the lifestyle you want.


I teach the complete formulas for proven marketing plans that pack your premium program with high-paying clients. 

Through our ongoing implementation coaching, you’ll get personalized recommendations to pick the best plan to meet your goals.


Whether you want to host a webinar, an online event, a summit, a challenge, offer a free eBook or video series, I give you the best proven strategies for maximum results with minimum effort.

Your Irresistible Funnel

Too many people get sidetracked by expensive complex website designs that don’t get marketing results. And too many people never launch because they’re unclear about what to put on their website and how to make it effective. 


You get easy blueprints for the exact pages you need to attract and enroll clients. You also get support to write captivating copy so you get a huge response and optimal conversion at every step.


I show you how to make simple, professional looking videos that catch and keep attention. These are a KEY ingredient to attract highly committed clients who enroll in your programs. 

Your Responsive Email List

Growing your email list with the right-fit potential clients is ESSENTIAL for your marketing success.


I teach you my proven methods for several different types of Joint Venture collaborations (referral partners who promote you with emails to their list). This can grow your list rapidly no matter where you’re starting from – imagine thousands of qualified new subscribers in a single month!


In the Club, you also discover effective ways to boost your online visibility through social media and online speaking.

Your Leveraged Business Model

If you’ve been struggling to break free from the dollars-for-hours model, you need a clear path to build a more sustainable, freedom-based business. One that can scale profitably while you work less. 

But it’s not enough to launch random programs and hope they make enough money. You need to design your programs strategically so they lead to longer-term clients, more sales and more success stories!

The right model will give you the lifestyle freedom you want and the peace of mind that comes with consistent, abundant cash flow. 

We help you design your streamlined business model that works like a well-oiled machine so you can make the impact you dream of - without the stress.

The 3 C’s That Make This Club Unique…

The first C is copywriting.

Copywriting is THE key to creating a leveraged and lucrative online business that doesn’t drain your time and take over your life.

Copywriting is called sales in print for a reason. Because it allows you to leverage your sales and sell one-to-many instead of one-to-one.

However, while everyone knows how important copywriting is, a lot of people don’t know how to teach it properly.

But I do.

So, along with getting an in-depth training on building a profitable online business, you’re also going to learn the essentials of irresistible copywriting AND have your copy critiqued by me and my Certified Irresistible Marketing Coaches.

The second C is Content Strategy.

Only about 3 percent of your market is shopping for a transformational or educational program like what you offer.

A much bigger segment of your market is the right fit for it, but they don’t know it yet.

So in your marketing, you need to raise awareness about the value of your program. You need to teach your ideal clients about why they need and want it now!

Your content strategy increases hunger and desire for your program, while building trust in you. This element is critical for creating high sales conversions and keeping your programs full of right-fit clients.

Most other programs leave entrepreneurs with big question marks about what to include in their content strategy, what share, what not to share and how to effectively attract the right clients.

In the Irresistible Marketing Club, you learn from Content Strategy Experts so you get crystal clear about how to showcase your expertise.

The third C is Customization.

Too many courses are cookie cutter and let’s face it - business just doesn’t work that way. One formula does not fit everyone!

Instead of giving you a limited option to grow online, we help you find the right business model and growth plan that fits your level of experience, your lifestyle and your niche.

You can quickly move forward with custom recommendations that work best for your goals.

We provide customized coaching for every important area you would need it, like creating irresistible marketing messages that represent your unique value.

And designing the right lead generating strategies for your offer and niche.

You get plenty of opportunities to ask us questions and receive personalized feedback.

If you’ve experienced information overwhelm in this crowded online world, this is FINALLY the coaching you need to cut through noise and focus on what works best for you.

Then all the pieces can fall into place for your lucrative launch.

Linda Albright

“I made over $250,000 from working with Vrinda.” 

  • Started from scratch and earned $42,000 in her first year coaching with me.

  • Grew to earning over $250,000 annually!

  • ​“I’ve looked at other coaches out there, and you can’t find the expertise and excellence Vrinda’s programs provide.”

Laura Cornell

“I made over $250,000 from working with Vrinda.” 

  • Went from $20K to $200K in her first year coaching with me!

  • Earned $80,000 in one month with her event launch.

  • Grew to over $500K annually in the yoga teacher niche. 

Tori Hartman

“My first two launches earned $50,000 - Vrinda gave me the ability to think bigger!”

  • Author of the popular Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards but struggled to optimize her online sales.


  • Launched her new course, Life Purpose Divinations, and earned $50,000. 

  • Transformed her marketing to earn over 6-figures a year

Dr. Amy Day

“I’ve done two successful mini launches that increased my revenues by over $20,000!

  • Needed to scale her full private naturopath practice.

  • Created 2 mini launches that earned $20,000.

  • ​Now she’s laying the foundation for bigger growth!

Nicole Young

"My business earned $175,000 in just 8 months of working with Vrinda."

  • Heard “crickets” instead of sales when she tried filling her family’s wilderness education courses. 

  • Quickly earned $80,000 after we showed her how to transform her marketing. 

  • ​In just 8 months she grew her family business by $175,000!

Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo

“My business is now earning over a million dollars a year! It’s very exciting.”

  • Skyrocketed her online sales results when she started coaching with me.

  • Consistently creates profitable 6-figure launches in the health niche.

  • Earns over 7-figures a year with her streamlined online business model!

How to Take The Next Step

If you want the proven path to profitable results with the least amount of effort (skipping over costly trial and error), then let’s talk and see if The Irresistible Marketing Club is right for you.

Your next step is to apply for a complimentary private Irresistible Marketing Strategy Session with me and our Certified Irresistible Marketing Coach. In this 1-1 meeting, we’ll take a close look at your business growth needs. 

We’ll help identify the most costly obstacles holding you back. Then we’ll make a professional recommendation for the most effective strategies to increase your enrollments and expand your business online with leverage and impact. 

We’ll help you get crystal clear about what it will take to create and fill highly profitable online programs that lead to 6-figure or 7-figure growth.

I recommend applying for your Irresistible Marketing Strategy Session right away as spots are extremely limited!

I look forward to supporting you on our Irresistible Marketing Strategy Session!


Vrinda Normand

The Irresistible Marketing Mentor

How to Create Scalable Profits and Impact with Your Own Premium Online Programs!

You have a higher purpose to make a bigger impact with your expertise - and the world needs leaders like you to step up more than ever right now.


It’s time to expand your reach by offering your own profitable premium programs!


You’re ready to earn great money with more freedom. 


You deserve a thriving business that supports your lifestyle (without taking over your life). 


Maybe you’ve been thinking about offering programs....and now that most businesses in the world have moved online, this has become a top priority for you. 

Or maybe you’ve tried creating and launching your online courses but it hasn’t been nearly as profitable as you hoped - and you’re not sure how to make it work better.


There’s never been a better time to provide virtual education and inspiration. More people than ever are on the Internet now. 


And they’re investing in online learning.


So let’s get you going!

My Irresistible Marketing Club helps you create, market and sell your premium programs online - with ease. 

If you’re…

  • Unclear about creating a captivating program that stands out and sells.

  • Unsure how to fill your programs with plenty of ideal clients so they’re profitable.

  • Frustrated because you’ve had low results trying to fill previous courses, and you don’t know how to improve. 

  • ​Sick of struggling with online marketing that gets ignored.

Don’t worry, you’re not alone. And you’re in the right place!

“I help you create hot-selling online programs that represent your unique value and get noticed in a crowded online world.” 

I show you how to package your programs with authentic, compelling copy that gets a huge response, attracting thousands of the right people to you. 


I give you my proven marketing plans and strategies to quickly fill your programs with committed, high-paying clients. 


You can be bringing in $100,000’s by sharing your expertise, helping more people, and working LESS. Yep, you can grow a thriving online business working part-time, on your own terms. 


I’ve done it and my clients have too. Here’s my story...

“I used to worry that serving more clients would mean working so hard I’d get burned out and have no life balance.”

But that’s not the case at all!  


My leveraged online business allows me to support thousands of people any hour of the day, even when I’m not working.  


I am so grateful to have a business that lets me enjoy my life! I love having the flexibility to work from home so I can see my daughter Emily often. She brings me so much joy!


I take great care of myself so I can give from an overflowing cup. I do yoga. I go on hikes in the forest and on the beach. I dance. I also love to sing a type of Indian spiritual music called kirtan. This is my favorite way to connect with the divine.


The best part is — I’m more deeply fulfilled because my programs are making a positive impact all over the world. My message is helping more people lead happier, higher quality lives.


I want this for you too! You deserve to be paid well AND enjoy plenty of freedom as your business grows.


My proven systems and coaching have helped many of my clients grow lucrative 6-figure and 7-figure businesses - see just some of their testimonials on this page. 


This can work for you too. 

“I’ve earned over $9 million in my business - helping thousands of entrepreneurs around the world...”

My clients are creating amazing results with their own programs.. They’re changing more lives while expanding their profits, freedom and fulfillment. It’s SO inspiring to celebrate their growth. 


I’m passionate about showing entrepreneurs like you how to create and fill online programs because it’s the ultimate sustainable business model. 


Kathleen Graham

“My husband and I have earned over $3 million from applying Vrinda’s systems. I feel so empowered - I know anything is possible.”

  • Made $100,000 from 2 program launches in her first year, starting with no email list.
  • Grew her email list to over 10,000 while she packed her Wild Women In Love programs with clients she loves. 
  • ​Used her launching skills to help her husband’s Man on Fire business and together they’ve earned over $3 Million!

Rebecca Walker

“Vrinda absolutely changed my business trajectory. I’m now making over $600,000 a year!”

  • “Working with Vrinda was the single best thing I have said yes to.”
  • Turned her disappointing sales around to earn $30,000 in her first weight loss program launch. 
  • ​Continued growing to earn over $600,000 annually, while enjoying 4 vacations every year!

Christina Morassi

“In 1 year, I grew a truly leveraged business and earned $700,000!”

  • Used to struggle with inconsistent cash flow in her low-6-figure private services business.
  • Expanded her reach by filling group programs and events with 100’s of clients. 
  • Grew her revenues to $700,000 in just 1 year!

Jennifer Russell

“I’ve increased the enrollments in my yearlong program by 4 times! Finally, I’m earning 6-figures.”

  • Struggled to fill her group programs on spiritual growth.
  • Made $40,000 in new sales after transforming her marketing.  
  • ​Now earns over 6-figures a year!

Penelope Jane Smith

“OMG I surpassed my goal - I made over $700,000 from hosting my online event!”

  • Revamped her online events and marketing to enroll more clients into her high-ticket program.  
  • Skyrocketed her sales conversions and earned over $700,000 in her last online event!
  • ​Does 3 6-figure event launches each year, even with a small email list. On track to make over a million dollars this year. 

Jennifer Darling

“I made more than my annual income in just 3 days!”

  • Went from hustling for barely $90K in one year to earning $130K in her event launch.
  • Quickly enrolled 50 people into her LinkedIn business growth program with a launch webinar that converted 43% of her audience into buyers!
  • ​Makes multiple 6 figures a year with a lifestyle-friendly work schedule.

So let’s do this together! Here’s how my Irresistible Marketing Club can help…

The Irresistible Marketing Club is a close-knit, deeply supportive community of purpose-driven entrepreneurs. Being a member gives you access to my proven methods to create and fill profitable premium programs of your own.


I love witnessing the incredible growth and inspiration in this group. You get consistent access to customized coaching and feedback.


Below are the 5 Key Elements you learn with the in-depth curriculum we provide. 

Your Profitable Premium Programs

You get my complete training on how to turn your experience and expertise into a hot-selling high-ticket program. From finding your perfect topic, to structuring your course for the best learning experience, to packaging your offer with irresistible copy - I’ve got you covered.


I also help you strategically design your programs and services so it’s easy to enroll clients from one to the next. I show you how to simplify your offerings so you work less and make a bigger impact - and enjoy more profits.

Your Magnetic Marketing Plan

One marketing plan does not fit all! You need a specific strategy to fill your program depending on the price point, niche, your experience level and the lifestyle you want.


I teach the complete formulas for proven marketing plans that pack your premium program with high-paying clients. 

Through our ongoing implementation coaching, you’ll get personalized recommendations to pick the best plan to meet your goals.


Whether you want to host a webinar, an online event, a summit, a challenge, offer a free eBook or video series, I give you the best proven strategies for maximum results with minimum effort.

Your Irresistible Funnel

Too many people get sidetracked by expensive complex website designs that don’t get marketing results. And too many people never launch because they’re unclear about what to put on their website and how to make it effective. 


You get easy blueprints for the exact pages you need to attract and enroll clients. You also get support to write captivating copy so you get a huge response and optimal conversion at every step.


I show you how to make simple, professional looking videos that catch and keep attention. These are a KEY ingredient to attract highly committed clients who enroll in your programs. 

Your Responsive Email List

Growing your email list with the right-fit potential clients is ESSENTIAL for your marketing success.


I teach you my proven methods for several different types of Joint Venture collaborations (referral partners who promote you with emails to their list). This can grow your list rapidly no matter where you’re starting from – imagine thousands of qualified new subscribers in a single month!


In the Club, you also discover effective ways to boost your online visibility through social media and online speaking.

Your Leveraged Business Model

If you’ve been struggling to break free from the dollars-for-hours model, you need a clear path to build a more sustainable, freedom-based business. One that can scale profitably while you work less. 

But it’s not enough to launch random programs and hope they make enough money. You need to design your programs strategically so they lead to longer-term clients, more sales and more success stories!

The right model will give you the lifestyle freedom you want and the peace of mind that comes with consistent, abundant cash flow. 

We help you design your streamlined business model that works like a well-oiled machine so you can make the impact you dream of - without the stress.

The 3 C’s That Make This Club Unique…

The first C is copywriting.

Copywriting is THE key to creating a leveraged and lucrative online business that doesn’t drain your time and take over your life.

Copywriting is called sales in print for a reason. Because it allows you to leverage your sales and sell one-to-many instead of one-to-one.

However, while everyone knows how important copywriting is, a lot of people don’t know how to teach it properly.

But I do.

So, along with getting an in-depth training on building a profitable online business, you’re also going to learn the essentials of irresistible copywriting AND have your copy critiqued by me and my Certified Irresistible Marketing Coaches.

The second C is Content Strategy.

Only about 3 percent of your market is shopping for a transformational or educational program like what you offer.

A much bigger segment of your market is the right fit for it, but they don’t know it yet.

So in your marketing, you need to raise awareness about the value of your program. You need to teach your ideal clients about why they need and want it now!

Your content strategy increases hunger and desire for your program, while building trust in you. This element is critical for creating high sales conversions and keeping your programs full of right-fit clients.

Most other programs leave entrepreneurs with big question marks about what to include in their content strategy, what share, what not to share and how to effectively attract the right clients.

In the Irresistible Marketing Club, you learn from Content Strategy Experts so you get crystal clear about how to showcase your expertise.

The third C is Customization.

Too many courses are cookie cutter and let’s face it - business just doesn’t work that way. One formula does not fit everyone!

Instead of giving you a limited option to grow online, we help you find the right business model and growth plan that fits your level of experience, your lifestyle and your niche.

You can quickly move forward with custom recommendations that work best for your goals.

We provide customized coaching for every important area you would need it, like creating irresistible marketing messages that represent your unique value.

And designing the right lead generating strategies for your offer and niche.

You get plenty of opportunities to ask us questions and receive personalized feedback.

If you’ve experienced information overwhelm in this crowded online world, this is FINALLY the coaching you need to cut through noise and focus on what works best for you.

Then all the pieces can fall into place for your lucrative launch.

Linda Albright

“I made over $250,000 from working with Vrinda.” 

  • Started from scratch and earned $42,000 in her first year coaching with me.
  • Grew to earning over $250,000 annually!
  • ​“I’ve looked at other coaches out there, and you can’t find the expertise and excellence Vrinda’s programs provide.”

Laura Cornell

“I made over $250,000 from working with Vrinda.” 

  • Went from $20K to $200K in her first year coaching with me!
  • Earned $80,000 in one month with her event launch.
  • Grew to over $500K annually in the yoga teacher niche. 

Tori Hartman

“My first two launches earned $50,000 - Vrinda gave me the ability to think bigger!”

  • Author of the popular Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards but struggled to optimize her online sales. 
  • Launched her new course, Life Purpose Divinations, and earned $50,000. 
  • Transformed her marketing to earn over 6-figures a year

Dr. Amy Day

“I’ve done two successful mini launches that increased my revenues by over $20,000!

  • Needed to scale her full private naturopath practice.
  • Created 2 mini launches that earned $20,000.
  • ​Now she’s laying the foundation for bigger growth!

Nicole Young

"My business earned $175,000 in just 8 months of working with Vrinda."

  • Heard “crickets” instead of sales when she tried filling her family’s wilderness education courses. 
  • Quickly earned $80,000 after we showed her how to transform her marketing. 
  • ​In just 8 months she grew her family business by $175,000!

Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo

“My business is now earning over a million dollars a year! It’s very exciting.”

  • Skyrocketed her online sales results when she started coaching with me.
  • Consistently creates profitable 6-figure launches in the health niche.
  • Earns over 7-figures a year with her streamlined online business model!

How to Take The Next Step

If you want the proven path to profitable results with the least amount of effort (skipping over costly trial and error), then let’s talk and see if The Irresistible Marketing Club is right for you.

Your next step is to request a no-risk private Irresistible Marketing Strategy Session with me and our Certified Irresistible Marketing Coach. In this 1-1 meeting, we’ll take a close look at your business growth needs. 

We’ll help identify the most costly obstacles holding you back. Then we’ll make a professional recommendation for the most effective strategies to increase your enrollments and expand your business online with leverage and impact. 

We’ll help you get crystal clear about what it will take to create and fill highly profitable online programs that lead to 6-figure or 7-figure growth.

There’s a refundable $97 deposit to reserve your Irresistible Marketing Strategy Session. When we talk, if you decide to continue working with us, we’ll apply this deposit towards your tuition. 

If you decide not to continue working with us, you’ll get a prompt refund of your deposit payment. This deposit is not refundable if you don’t show up to your session. 

I recommend reserving your Irresistible Marketing Strategy Session right away as spots are extremely limited!

I look forward to supporting you on our Irresistible Marketing Strategy Session!


Vrinda Normand

The Irresistible Marketing Mentor