10 Hot Online Business Niches Right Now

The Ideal Client Manifester

Friday,  February 7, 2020

As entrepreneurs, we thrive by solving problems in the world. True leaders are seeing this global pandemic as an opportunity to step up and serve.

I’m seeing more people than EVER engaging online - that’s no surprise because most of us are home and have a lot more time. Yes, people are investing in solutions, and the need for online programs is much higher now.

There are so many ways to add value in a virtual environment, I’ve created this list of 10 high demand areas to start with (in no particular order of importance):

1. Weight loss - this is HUGE. So many are eating more while they’re at home and working less. A lot more couch sitting and less walking around. People want and need help with weight loss in much greater numbers. 

2. Fitness - because our usual fitness routines have been altered for the most part, people crave more support to exercise in their homes or outside. Tons of yoga, dance and fitness classes have moved online, providing great opportunities to reach clients all over the world. 

3. Immunity - Sales for Vitamin C and products related to immune health have skyrocketed in this pandemic. People are more concerned about their health than ever before, which is a good thing! If you offer programs, products or services to help strengthen the immune system, you will find a highly interested market right now. 

4 Relationships - imagine being stuck in your house with your spouse or significant other all day every day...do you think there may be more problems? Uh yeah. The healthy space most families get from being at work or going out during the day is gone. Support services to create more peace in committed relationships are extremely important right now. 

5. Online dating - nothing can stop people who are looking for love, not even a global pandemic that prevents meeting in person. I’ve been hearing from many relationship experts that now is an ideal time to date online because it’s more focused on people who are serious about getting to know you (without physical connection clouding things right away). If you help singles find romance, this is a great chance to teach them how to navigate the online dating world in these unusual circumstances. 

6. Homeschooling - Yikes! Millions of parents are now home with their kids trying to keep their education on track. Some are helping kids engage with their online classrooms and get their homework done (when everything is homework now!). Some have taken over teaching their kids and need guidance. If you can help parents be more effective in either of these situations, the need is unprecedented right now. 

7. Career changes - millions of people are out of work with so many businesses closing doors. Well isn’t this a great opportunity to make a change, to find a career that’s more fulfilling? People need help clarifying their calling. They need help finding their next path. If your expertise fits, it’s time to step up. 

8. Online business growth - this is one of the biggest booming industries right now. Every business is looking for ways to thrive online. Businesses already online are growing even faster. The demand has dramatically increased. If you can help with anything related to this, clients should be flocking to you. 

9. Productivity - Many people who aren’t used to working from home are struggling to focus and get stuff done. They need help being more productive and effective in their work - this applies to employees and business owners! If you can offer coaching or education to help with this challenge (specifically about working from home), now is the perfect time. 

10. Beauty - One of the biggest pains of shelter in place has been going without haircuts. Oh my goodness, my mane is getting wild! People need education on cutting their hair or their family member’s hair. Other tips for manicures, hair dying, and facials are also desirable during these times. 

The dramatically increased need for online business growth has revved up my creative inspiration to start teaching live online again. 

I just launched the new Irresistible Marketing Club, where I provide live group coaching and implementation support to create and fill life-changing online courses. 

We have a strong, awesome group of founding members and we’re open to more founding members. 

I would be thrilled to speak with you to see if it’s the right fit for your needs. Check it out here and request your 1-1 Irresistible Marketing Strategy Session to meet with me personally.