3 Seeds to Boost Program Sales

The Ideal Client Manifester

September 11, 2024

I’ve been scaling my business with programs since 2008. The single BEST way I’ve found to fill my programs is hosting events. They’re especially good for selling high-ticket programs in the $2,000 to $50,000 price range. 

You can create a rush of high-ticket sales online and earn 5 figures to 6 figures in just 2 to 3 days. This strategy converts sales at such a high rate, you don’t need a huge audience for it to be lucrative. My client Michelle May had 20 people at her event in the wellness niche and made $50,000! My other client Tammy DeMirza got 20 people at her personal growth event and earned $200,000! 

Enrollment events are 2 to 3 day experiences where you’re teaching and facilitating for 6 to 8 hours per day. In addition to giving incredible value, the event builds trust and connection so the audience is far more likely to invest in your program. This works for online events and for in person events.

So if you love teaching and inspiring people to grow, you're going to love this strategy. It doesn't even feel like doing sales. It feels like fun because you’re helping people. And you’re making a lot of money from enrollments coming in.

The first element you need for a successful event is planting the seeds. This means creating curiosity about the longer term program you're going to invite people to.

Your event needs to build anticipation for your program so your audience doesn’t get defensive when you start selling.

When I do this, my clients are literally asking me for the offer. They want to know what's next. When you create this lean in, you get much better sales. It feels better too.

You also want your audience to be aware that they need more support beyond the event. If you don’t plant the seeds, people might think, “I can figure it out on my own. I have enough for now.” These myths will stop them from investing in your program.

As the expert, you know your clients need longer term support to get significant results. Events are the starting point and your premium program takes clients through the journey to a bigger destination.

So you need to help your audience understand that through seeding. There are 3 types of seeds that I use the most in my events.

The first is seeding the offer.

Do this to make your audience aware that there’s an invitation for more. If they’re expecting it, they’re going to be more receptive to it, especially if they’re enjoying the event. Knowing this ahead of time builds curiosity about working with you further.

For example at my enrollment event, I tell them there’s a lot more to growing your online business beyond what we’re covering in these few days together. “I promise I will show you a way to get more support,” is what I say.

Offering people more is a service because inevitably, some people will want it. I often say it very directly like this: “We give in-depth coaching to clients in our Irresistible Marketing Club, and tomorrow I’m going to share more about what that looks like.”

The second type of seed is educating your audience about why they need more support beyond the event.

While people get a lot of value and inspiration from events, they’re short term. Clients need ongoing support to implement and transform. They also need further education.

Here are some ideas about what your continuing offer could include: Coaching, group or private or a mix of both. For example, in my premium program, the Irresistible Marketing Club, we provide feedback, guidance, and accountability every step of the way to help you get bigger results faster.

Your program could include more training events, sessions, or videos that help your clients reach their goals. In my club, we give clients on-demand training videos they work with at their own pace. We also deliver live training sessions where they can ask questions.

Your clients may want more fun, enriching experiences like retreats. In my club, we provide 1-day virtual retreats where clients get in-depth support to boost their sales.

There’s one important thing to remember: only make 1 offer for continuing support at your event. Your program can have 2 or 3 levels of support but they’re still part of the same program.

So when you seed, you’re just seeding the one program throughout your event. When you seed the need for more support, you need to mention a specific deliverable of your program.

The more specific, the better this works. So in my 2 and a half day virtual retreat, called High-Profit Online Events, I teach the complete formula to create your enrollment event that generates high-ticket sales.

During the event, I invite people to join my Irresistible Marketing Club for continued support to scale their business with profitable programs. A general seed could sound like this, “I provide more in-depth customized coaching on how to design your event in my Irresistible Marketing Club.”

While getting more coaching is a valuable feature of the club, the seed could be more specific and enticing.

Here’s another example: “A costly blind spot entrepreneurs often have with hosting events is, they don’t attract clients who are the right fit to invest in their high ticket offer. The result is disappointing sales.”

“So in my Irresistible Marketing Club, I guide you through positioning every offer in your business model, from your free gifts, to your event, to your premium program, to attract and enroll the right-fit highly invested clients.”

Do you see how the seed educates people about the common blind spot? That builds the value of getting more coaching to optimize sales.

The third type is seeding concepts.

With this approach, you’re training people how to think so they understand how important it is to learn more. What do people need to think or believe in order to be ready to invest in the next step?

Here’s an example of a concept seed I use when inviting people to register for my High-Profit Online Events Virtual Retreat. Your entire event is an offer. You don't just teach an event and stick a sales pitch in there. I actually don't even like using the word sales pitch, but a lot of people refer to it that way.

For me, it's not a pitch that you're throwing at somebody. It’s an opening. It's an invitation for more support. So the entire event is an offer. It's not going to feel like an offer, but it works that way. Beyond presenting your program, you need to design your whole event to create hunger and desire for more.

The concept is valuable education in itself, but it also begs the question, how do I design the entire event to be an offer?

I'm giving you some important tips now and our time is limited, so I promise, I will show you a way to get more support. This is something we teach in depth at the High-Profit Online Events Virtual Retreat.

This 2.5-day in-depth training is coming up soon, so go here now to save your spot!