5 Keys to Boost Sales with Irresistible Videos

About 6 years ago, I discovered the incredible power of adding irresistible videos to my marketing.

I started out with simple, homemade videos. I focused on delivering a great message and being authentic while connecting with my viewers. I immediately got an encouraging response from my community.

People would comment on my videos and seem really excited about the content I shared.

Then I noticed my online sales doubled!

So if you don’t have videos on your website right now, you are missing the most important ingredient you need to attract the people you were born to serve and make a big impact online.

Your videos don’t need to be expensive, fancy productions. And you don’t need to be tech savvy to make this work for you.

The energy you invest to make your videos irresistible will pay off big time in your revenues and help you reach 1,000’s of your ideal clients online.

Here are 5 keys to boost your sales with videos:

1. Draw People to Your Website 24-7

Videos are a fantastic way to get more web traffic because they help create a warmer connection with potential clients who are just discovering you. Because people can sense your energy and authenticity in videos, there’s more trust created right off the bat. You become a real human being inviting them to learn more and receive more value.

By posting short 1-minute videos in online hubs like Youtube, Facebook and popular blogs in your market, you can easily draw 10,000’s of your ideal clients over to your website. Share a video inviting people to get a valuable free gift, and send them to your opt-in page. This free gift can even be an educational video that shares great tips and makes them hungry for more.

2. Boost Attendance on Your Webinars

One of the most frustrating problems with using free virtual events to enroll clients is that MOST people who sign up don’t show up. You might have 500 people on your webinar list but only 25 are on the line when you make your presentation. This can be seriously painful to your sales results and make you feel disappointed because people aren’t getting the benefit of your message.

Videos play a key role in building relationship with your potential clients BEFORE they show up for your virtual event. Give them immediate access to a few valuable educational videos that also create hunger and desire for your program. This will pique curiosity and make people excited to learn more in your webinar. They will be far more likely to mark it in their calendar and invest the time to attend. From my own experience I’ve seen that videos can help double your show up rates.

3. Inspire People to Buy

My ideal clients instantly know if they “resonate” with me. Videos create this familiarity far more quickly and powerfully than the written word. Plus, because people are busy, they tend to have short attention spans and may often skim through your sales page. If your video is captivating, it will help draw them in and keep them engaged with your message for longer. Then if it’s the right fit, they’ll say YES to receiving the support they need through your offerings.

4. Videos Attract Committed Clients

Videos are so powerful because they allow you to build a strong connection with someone even if you’ve never spoken with them in person. When the time comes to reveal your offer you’ll find that those who viewed your videos are the type of clients you love working with. They are happy to pay your fees and eager to immerse themselves in your work.

5. Videos Inspire Clients to Take Action

High-quality videos make everything more compelling, so you should have a video on every page where you are inviting people to take the next step with you. This includes any kind of application page or sales pages where you are inviting people to enroll. When I added videos, I saw my conversion rates and sales double!

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