5 Video Strategies to Attract More High Paying Clients

Hot copy can make or break your marketing success, but if you really want to see your sales soar, you’ll need to add videos to your web pages.

This is because videos communicate on a deeper level, revealing your presence and energy in a way that copy can’t. So if you don’t have videos on your website right now, you are missing the most important ingredient you need to attract more of your ideal high paying clients online.

Here are 5 ways videos can attract more clients and increase sales:

1. Videos Draw People to Your Website 24/7

By posting short 1-minute videos in online hubs like Youtube, Facebook and popular blogs in your market, you can easily draw 10,000’s of your ideal clients over to your website. Share a video inviting people to get a valuable free gift, and send them to your opt-in page. This free gift can even be an educational video that shares great tips and makes them hungry for more.

2. Videos Boost Attendance on Webinars

It’s easy to get someone to register for a webinar, but getting them to show up is an entirely different story! I hear lots of entrepreneurs complain about their poor webinar attendance rates, as low as 10%.

You can powerfully increase your attendance to 30-40% by using a confirmation video that reminds them why they don’t want to miss it after they sign up. Also give webinar registrants 1 or 2 educational videos to watch before the webinar. They’ll get great value and remember why it’s worth showing up for your virtual event.

3. Videos Make Your Ideal Clients Excited to Buy

You know they need your program, but do they know they need it? Videos can help raise your potential client’s awareness about their problem and help them see the value of your solution. By the time you reveal your offer, people are already excited to buy because you took the time to educate them with videos.

4. Videos Attract Committed Clients

Videos are so powerful because they allow you to build a strong connection with someone even if you’ve never spoken with them in person. When the time comes to reveal your offer you’ll find that those who viewed your videos are clients you love working with. They are happy to pay your fees and eager to immerse themselves in your work.

5. Videos Inspire Clients to Take Action

High-quality videos make everything more compelling, so you should have a video on every page where you are inviting people to take the next step with you. This includes any kind of application page or sales pages where you are inviting people to buy from you. When I added videos, I saw my conversion rates and sales double!

When you invest the time and effort to produce high quality videos, you improve people’s perception of your brand. They see your programs as MORE valuable. When I say “high quality” that includes the production value, but it also includes your performance.

If you haven’t received special training on how to be confident and compelling in front of the camera you may actually be turning people away when they watch your videos.

So, if you want to learn how to be authentic, magnetic and inspiring on camera, then you don’t want to miss my upcoming virtual retreat focused entirely on helping you fill your programs with client captivating videos.

It’s called Captivate and at this live virtual retreat I’ll reveal…

  • ​My proven templates for the 5 key videos you MUST have on your website
  •  How to speak powerfully so you get attention and inspire action
  •  How to be confident, clear and calm on the camera

It’s coming up very soon and interactive, live seats are almost full so…

Learn more and claim your ticket here: www.irresistiblemarketing.com/captivate-register

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