The $50,000 Launch Demystified

You’ve heard about fast-growing entrepreneurs having successful 5-figure and 6-figure launches. People who quickly make $50,000 (or more) filling a program.


And unfortunately, you’ve also heard of many people who’ve tried launching a program... and it completely FLOPPED. It’s heartbreaking to see passionate leaders pour so much energy into a campaign...and end up disappointed with just a small number of clients.

So, what’s the secret? What separates the people who do well and the people who struggle, when it comes to launching profitable programs?

Over the last 10 years I’ve had over 16 6-figure launches, and I’ve guided clients through 100’s more successful launches. I’ve created a simplified system that gets results, again and again.

There are 9 key elements you need for each launch. It’s kind of like baking a cake. If you don’t have ALL the key ingredients your cake won’t turn out. The same goes for filling your programs.

Here’s the $50,000 launch formula demystified...

Element One - Hot-Selling, High-Ticket Offer - A crystal clear, results-oriented, hot-selling offer requires you to have an intimate knowledge of your ideal client and the most-pressing problems they urgently want help with. When your ideal clients hear your offer do their eyes light up? That’s the test to know if it’s hot.

Element Two - Step-By-Step Launch Plan - You need a clear plan with strategic steps for each day leading up to and during your launch. Your launch needs to create excitement and urgency, so your ideal clients are inspired to enroll now. Make your program enrollment period short, typically 2-4 weeks. It begins by attracting interest with your free launch gifts and ends with your enrollment period closing.

Element Three - Irresistible Client Attracting Website - Too many people get sidetracked by expensive complex website designs that don’t get marketing results. And too many people never launch because they’re unclear about what to put on their website, and how to make it effective. Make your website a pathway that gives your ideal clients one clear step at a time. Transform them from interested to invested by sharing content that builds trust and makes them hungry to learn more from you!

Element Four - Powerful Joint Venture Partners - One of the most important parts of a successful launch is attracting your right-fit potential clients and growing your email list with Joint Venture partner promotions. They’ll give you high-quality referrals and boost your program sales. Start by finding other businesses with email lists of your ideal clients. Ask yourself, “What other programs or products do my ideal clients buy?” Then approach those businesses for win-win collaborations where you both benefit.

Element Five - Captivating Launch Webinar - A webinar is an essential element of your launch to add value and build excitement about your program offer. When you do it right, your webinar will keep your ideal clients riveted and potentially double your launch sales.

Element Six - Engaging Launch Emails - You need compelling emails to attract 1,000’s of your ideal clients to your website. Your emails grow your list fast and they’re the most important element to make sure your program gets noticed by the right people.

Element Seven - Savvy Facebook Marketing - This is one of the biggest hubs to find your ideal clients. You need to build a presence there and get the word out about your offerings. Start your own Facebook Group to attract your ideal clients. Create valuable discussions and build relationship - that will lead to more people joining your program.

Element Eight - Mentoring - When you want to be successful at any new venture, it’s wise to hire the expert who’s already figured out how to do it best. They’ve got the experience, the proven plan, and the vision that can help you through any challenges that arise. The right mentor can help you avoid costly mistakes and flopped launches.

Element Nine - Community - Growing your business can be stressful without a great support system. That’s why doing it along with a group of committed, like-minded entrepreneurs is so valuable. You’re surrounded by people who get it and know what you’re going through. They encourage you to strive for your highest potential. Our Inner Circle community is a tight-knit group of driven go-getters who support each other as they create lucrative launches together.

To get started with your own lucrative launch, you'll need to create a client-attracting program offer. Get your free copy of my checklist, 15 Hot-Selling Program Topics here. 

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