Does Your Sales Page Copy Sizzle? Give it the “TSSS” Test!

The Ideal Client Manifester

Wednesday May 23, 2024

When it comes to sales pages that fill your programs, courses or events, you can’t help but wonder…

“Is my copy any good?”

“Will people read it?”

...and most importantly…

“Will they buy?”

Let’s run your copy through my “TSSS” Test to make sure it’s primed for sales success…

T = Thorough

Your sales page is not the place to be mysterious or leave people with unanswered questions. If they’re confused, your visitors will leave without taking action.

This is why you need to be thorough. Take the time to find out everything your potential clients need to know so they feel comfortable buying from you online.

What are the most common questions or concerns potential clients have about your program, course or event? Brainstorm a list of these, then answer them like you would in an enrollment conversation.

Include the questions and your answers in a Frequently Asked Questions Section on your page. 

When you’re answering questions about concerns that could stop your potential clients from enrolling, I recommend following these 2 steps:

Step 1: Empathize

First acknowledge their concern and let them know you care. For example, let’s say a potential client is considering a course to help them scale their business by selling more group programs online. But the potential client hesitates because they don’t have the time to participate in the course. 

I would address this by saying, “I get how challenging it can be to find the time to grow leveraged programs when you’re juggling the demands of your current business.”

Step 2: Educate

Then you want to invite the potential client to see greater possibilities for their life. For example, if they feel trapped by their busy schedule, tell them how they can save a significant amount of time by streamlining their marketing and sales systems to generate bigger results with less effort. 

I would also help them see they’re not trapped and they have the power to create the new life they’re craving. 

“The way you’re running your business now is keeping you busy. You’re never going to get magically less busy until you make changes in how you’re doing things. That starts with learning a new way in my course. I’d love to help you break free!”

S = Sensual

You won’t captivate readers if your copy doesn’t make them FEEL. Have you ever read something that made you feel a tingle in your belly or more aware of the blood pulsing in your veins? 

Sensual writing connects people to their body and emotions. It uses specific words that remind them of the pains they want relief from and the pleasures they crave. 

Here are some examples of sensual phrases my clients have written…

Eliminate your back pain and sit in exquisite comfort

Jumpstart your tired body and clear your foggy brain!

Transform your body so you can feel lighter and sexier

Are you afraid you’ll end up lonely and unloved?

Wish you could fit into your skinny jeans again?

Even if your program doesn’t involve results directly related to the body, you can still find sensual words to connect with your readers’ emotions. 

Choose a few of your clients and ask them what pains they experienced before they started working with you. Then ask them what pleasures they’re enjoying because of your work. 

Get as many details as you can and take good notes. Ask them questions like, “What did it feel like?” and “Tell me more…how did that show up in your life?”

S = Specific

To make your writing more irresistible, you must use specific words. Words that reveal exactly what you mean. Include examples that people can relate to and see in their minds like movie clips.

Here are some examples of specific writing:

“I recently earned 6-figures in just a few months… without ever

leaving my beautiful home in the Santa Cruz Mountains.”

Notice how the numbers give you an exact picture of the results, instead of just saying ”I made more money fast.” I also wrote “beautiful home in the Santa Cruz Mountains” instead of the less specific “home” because the real details create a stronger feeling of relaxation and convenience.

One thing to note: You cannot write compelling, specific copy when you aren’t clear about your ideal client. You need to imagine ONE person in your mind when you write your sales page. 

Hone your message to address that person’s pains, desires and unique situation. This person is like the prototype of your ideal client, sometimes referred to as your “avatar.”Write your page as if it’s a personal letter to your avatar. Because you’re just focusing on the one person, you can be more specific about their life circumstances.

Be careful to avoid the common pitfall that stops too many entrepreneurs from successfully selling online: trying to reach multiple types of ideal clients or a broad audience with their copy, hoping to reach more people. 

When your focus is less specific, your copy is more vague and ineffective. So ironically, you end up reaching far FEWER people rather than more. 

Your copy will only stand out in our crowded online world if it is specifically targeted to your ideal client with compelling details they can relate to.  

S = Succinct

You have just a few seconds to make a good first impression on your sales page before your visitors decide to stay or go. 

If you want to keep their attention you must learn to be succinct and get your message across in the fewest words possible. (This isn’t the same thing as “short” because you also want to be thorough.)

Here’s a tip: as you start writing, let it flow and don’t worry about being succinct. That could give you a bad case of writer’s block if you’re editing yourself as you try to create. 

Once you’ve completed a first draft, ask yourself “How can I say the same thing with fewer words? What can I cut?”

Then read your copy out loud. This really helps to show you where your writing is too wordy or repetitive. Now you can edit for shorter sentences.

It also helps to make your paragraphs short. Mine are usually 1-2 sentences long. Thick blocks of text are very difficult to read and will get skimmed over by your potential clients.

So break things up visually by putting an extra line space between each of your short paragraphs. 

If you’re craving more clarity and inspiration to make your marketing messages stand out and sell more, then you’ll want to save the date for my upcoming…

Irresistible Message Makeover Workshop

It’s happening live online with short sessions daily from June 3-7. Keep your eyes out for an email from me soon with information on how to register for free.