Emily’s first word is…

It boggles my mind how fast Emily is growing! She’s nine months and adorably the size of a baby more than twice her age. She’s crawling, pulling herself up to standing, and getting into all kinds of stuff. She can even walk along the length of the couch while holding onto it – I think she’ll be walking on her own within a month or two.Vrinda Normand

The other night we had a big family dinner with my parents, my sisters, my brother in law and niece. Someone mentioned the word “read” and Emily just mimicked them, saying “reeeeed.” I was so tickled!

I’m pretty sure that was her first word other than Mama and Dada. She babbles all the time like she’s explaining something very passionately. I play along and converse with her in baby talk. As funny as this is, I can’t wait until she’s speaking more English!

Motherhood is so full of wonder and surprises. I’m always looking for new ways to make Emily laugh (she gets bored so she needs creativity). The most recent method – howling like a wolf. She cracked up so much when I did this! It’s the cutest thing ever to see her laughing, especially with her one cheek dimple. OMG it’s the best.

It seems like just the other day my daughter was a squishy newborn who mostly wanted to nurse and sleep. Now she’s fast becoming an active, bright, and joyful little girl. I’m SO grateful that she’s strong and healthy. She’s the love of my life.


Vrinda Normand

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