How I Bounced Back From Launch Burnout

The Ideal Client Manifester

Wednesday  June 09, 2021

Not that long ago, I was struggling with launch burnout in my 7-figure business. It felt like I had to hustle nonstop to keep my marketing campaigns running, so I could keep filling my programs and covering my high overhead costs.


These marketing campaigns used to suck so much time and energy. And my business model was dependent on filling and hosting four live in-person events per year, which came with huge expenses.


Don’t get me wrong, I loved serving our clients and connecting with them at our in-person events. I loved making a bigger impact and inspiring thousands with our launches.


But it came at too great a cost to my health.


One day in 2017, when I was pregnant with my daughter, I realized I couldn’t keep running my business in the same way. I was exhausted. And it took becoming a parent to find the courage to make big changes.


From that moment on, I stopped hosting in-person events. I gradually phased out my programs as I went inward and dreamed up a new, more sustainable business model.


I went through several years of personal and professional growth while I enjoyed being a new mom. Things were quiet, so quiet I could finally tune into my highest good.


In the beginning of 2020, I had started to come out of my sabbatical and maternity leave when the global pandemic hit.


And all of sudden, I felt a STRONG call to rev things up again. Business owners needed effective online growth strategies more than ever.


I wanted to make a massive impact with way more simplicity. I was committed to growing a business that would nurture me and my clients.


I began leading 2-day virtual events, taking what I had developed from my lucrative in-person events and applying it to the online setting. I could easily run these events from my home with very little production costs and team.


They were so FUN to lead! My passion and joy for changing lives took the place of the burnout I used to feel.


And the beautiful thing is, I’ve discovered these online events are incredible for enrolling high paying clients. They build so much trust and create so much transformation. Clients are thrilled to continue growing with my support.


They work so well, I have generated 6-figures in sales from one virtual event audience of just 30 people.


And these days, it’s easy to fill your online events with 100’s of people from around the world.


This is the NEW launch model that’s revolutionizing online sales in our industry.


I would love to share my proven online enrollment event formula with you at my upcoming virtual retreat, High Profit Online Events.


Check it out here:


You’ll discover how to fill your premium programs and make 5 to 7 figures in sales in just 2-3 days. All while doing what you love most!


Look forward to seeing you there!