January 17, 2025
You see, charging more grows your revenue AND it grows your value. Every time I’ve chosen to up-level my pricing, the quality of my mentoring also up-levels.
A big reason for this is, I become more energetically aligned with my offer. I feel more excited to enroll clients, and I know the support they’re getting for their investment is worth every penny and more.
Oddly enough, when I undercharge for a program, it’s harder to sell. I’m just not that excited about it.
Pushing myself to devalue my offer builds resentment. That feeling is NOT good for enrolling clients!
So, if you’re growing yourself as an expert and a leader, your prices need to reflect that growth every year.
Now that we’re starting fresh in 2025, do you think it’s time to give yourself a raise?
Here are 2 effective strategies to confidently raise your prices – and get YES’s.
And it’s not only your income that suffers. You’re also playing small and stifling your impact.
You see, undercharging is bad for you AND your clients. When people pay less for something they value it less. They’re less committed and make implementing the solution a lower priority.
I’ve actually raised my program tuition levels to attract more highly committed clients that show up fully and get better results.
Now I get this isn’t always true because there ARE businesses out there who charge a lot and don’t deliver a lot of substance or value. This is a sad fact in our online education industry.
However, in my business, which has been thriving since 2008, we consistently deliver excellent value and have a long track record of happy, successful clients to prove it. I couldn’t be rocking it in business for nearly 20 years if this wasn’t the case!
You need to understand that your life has made you the expert you are. Your value is not measured by the amount of support or stuff in your program, or the amount of service hours you deliver.
Your value is in the unique and beneficial wisdom you’ve developed through years of life experience and learning. Your value is in the effective solution you deliver to improve people’s lives.
Your value is in the impact you make.
You need to own your value, adjust your prices to align with it, and get paid extremely well for your gifts. You deserve it!
When you offer single sessions, you’re dealing with a lot of low-ticket transactions in your business. And you’re working with clients who may only work with you once.
This is a recipe for a low-profit business that requires too much work for too little money!
When you sell your time in hours, or one-off sessions, you make it very obvious how much your hourly rate is. Then clients can’t help but compare your rate to their rate.
This thinking isn’t helpful for your sales success. Your potential clients are likely employees so comparing their rate to your rate makes no sense.
Or they’re business owners who also undercharge and may have limiting beliefs around how much a service is worth. You need to get out of that paradigm if you want to earn more with less work.
I recommend only including 1-1 sessions in premium programs. You can offer a premium program that’s only delivered through a series of 1-1 sessions.
You can also mix in other educational resources with these sessions to add more value.
Or you can create a premium group program that gives clients amazing support without any 1-1 support. There can be a higher level of your premium program that includes some 1-1 time in addition to the group.
All of these options present your offer as a program, which is a proven process to solve a problem and achieve a desired result.
Essentially, you’re enrolling clients to get a result.
And people can see your value so much more clearly when you offer them a program. Even better, you’ll attract committed clients who are willing to do the deeper work.
It’s so much more fulfilling to work with these clients because they get more substantial outcomes.
A client of mine, Carissa Dirado, recently created her first premium program. It’s a valuable 6-month group experience that doesn’t include any 1-1 time with her.
She worked with me to package this program for sales success and create a highly effective marketing campaign to fill it.
She was surprised at how easy it was to sell. And she was even more surprised when previous clients who used to pay a lot less for her 1-1 sessions invested over five times MORE to join her program.
Thanks to this model, she’s earning far more with far less work.
She’s more confident in her value because of her offer positioning, captivating copy and enticing content that educates and inspires.
I’ll be sharing more about how to create and fill high-value premium programs in my upcoming High-Ticket Sales Challenge.
It’s starting VERY soon so grab your free spot here now!