Schedule Your Freedom

Thursday,  June 20, 2019

When the word “freedom” comes to mind, you probably think of spaciousness and choice – an unscheduled time that’s yours to enjoy.


Yes, freedom is having the ability to do what you want, when you want. It’s the ultimate reward of a leveraged business.


What you might not realize, though, is that it takes more structure and scheduling to create more freedom in your life.


This might seem counterintuitive, but think about it – your business needs to be profitable and scalable to give you freedom. You can’t be selling your time as the main product, or else you’ll run out very quickly.


The first step is to transform how you treat your time.


That all comes down to your schedule! If you want to transition into a more freedom-based business model, start by restructuring your calendar.


Your life is a direct reflection of what’s in your calendar.


It’s really that simple!


Here are my top tips to create a calendar that will become a key foundation for more profits, freedom, pleasure and impact.  


1. Limit when you see 1-1 clients.


If you’re like most service-based professionals, you’re primarily selling your time as the main product in your business. And when you have a schedule full of 1-1 client sessions, it can be very energy-consuming.


If you dream of being able to help more people while working less, you need to create and offer online programs. Share your experience and expertise in a scalable way so you can enjoy the true benefits of being an entrepreneur. Your business should be able to thrive and profit without much of your personal involvement.


So to begin this transition, I recommend limiting your 1-1 client sessions to 1 or 2 days a week. This will help you channel your energy more efficiently. On client service days, you’re in the operations mode of working IN your business.


2. Reserve 1-2 days of project time in your weekly schedule.


This project time should be dedicated to working ON your business, creating the scalable systems that will grow your business without being dependent on YOU.

You’re creating launches and campaigns to grow your list; you’re boosting your online visibility, optimizing your conversions, and automating your sales.


Don’t schedule client sessions during your project days. You need to protect your boundaries around this time and commit to focusing on your goals.


I recommend limiting the meetings you have during project days – only do them if they’re directly related to creating your leveraged business systems.


For example, here are good types of meetings to include:


Project planning meeting with your team – delegate and free yourself up to focus on the highest leveraged activities you need to do.

Meetings with Joint Venture partners, other businesses who can help promote you and expand your online reach.

Meetings with your mentors or coaches who are guiding you to grow your leveraged business.


3. Pre-schedule your refueling time. 


Serving at a high level in your business can feel both intense and rewarding when you’re “on.”

All of the highly impactful, creative, strategic thinking and actions you take require vibrant energy. It’s the only way you can perform well as the top leader and talent in your business. 

Growing a scalable online business, as an expert teaching courses, makes you a leader in the spotlight!

So regular, generous self care and nourishing time off MUST be part of your life. Think of this as part of your job if you have a hard time relaxing into it. 

I strongly recommend taking weekends off to refuel your energy. If you often need to work on weekends because of clients or events (or even if you’re a full time parent), you should take at least a full weekday off each week.

Think about the self care you need to help you feel your best - then schedule it in your calendar. Do this in advance, months out, and stick to it. 

Commit to taking great care of your body and energy, and you’ll get WAY more done during your work time, with a higher level of performance. 

Get started with these 3 action steps and you’ll be on your way to having a profitable leveraged business – and not just a self-employed job.


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