The New, Fast List Building Strategy

The Ideal Client Manifester

Monday January 30, 2023

Do you know the single best strategy I’ve used to rapidly grow my email list?

It’s hosting summits and giveaways. Both of these collaborations have their pros and cons. That’s why this year, I’m innovating something NEW - bringing the best of both worlds to create a hybrid. Keep reading to learn more…

I started with my first summit in 2011, The Irresistible List Building Summit, and that was a game-changing move. I had the honor of featuring some high-level speakers, I attracted 6,000 participants and had a great experience interviewing experts.

Providing valuable content to my audience, especially in the form of interviews, is one of my favorite things to do. It felt fun and exciting to grow my business this way.

During my biggest 10,000-participant summit in 2013, I featured my former mentor and marketing legend Jeff Walker. It was amazing!

I also got to feature my former mentor Lisa Sasevich. I hosted inspiring speakers such as Christian Mickelsen, Fabienne Fredrickson, Kendall Summerhawk, Alex Mandossian, Elizabeth Purvis, Bill Baren, Sage Lavine and so many more!

After hosting 4 summits from 2011 through 2014, I had dramatically expanded my online visibility, reach and status.

“Shortly after my first summit, my business grew to earning 7-figures annually.”

Not only does this strategy quickly boost your email list, which means your programs fill with more ease and profits, it also aligns you with other experts, increasing your credibility as a speaker and leader.

Online Summits have always been a great growth tool, but there are times when they felt overdone in a lot of markets and people engaged with the interviews at a much lower rate. I noticed it felt harder to build my audience by 2014. It was still a worthwhile experience but it took a lot more work to get smaller results.

So in 2016, I tried a new twist on the multi-expert collaboration. I hosted a giveaway. Giveaways typically involve a few dozen experts who contribute downloadable educational gifts. Participants opt-in to get free access to them – it’s like a buffet of great resources.

“My 2016 Grow Your List Giveaway attracted 10,000 people!”

It was fun to connect so many entrepreneurs with experts like Jennifer Kem, Sharla Jacobs, SARK, Ted McGrath, and more.

I hosted 4 giveaways between 2016 and 2018. We developed efficient systems to coordinate them, and it was nice to have my team do much of the work. When the giveaway was happening, all I had to do was sit back and watch thousands of people join my list.

But while people were opting in for the giveaway, I missed the connection the interviews gave me with my speakers and my audience. I didn’t feel the same level of excitement and engagement. I started to feel tired and uninspired with giveaways, even though I still appreciate their format and usefulness for so many people.

It’s been 4 years since I hosted a giveaway and 8 years since I hosted a summit. I knew I wanted to do one again this year but I hesitated due to the drawbacks of each.

Giveaways by themselves felt bland but seemed to get more opt-ins because people like quick gifts. However, even giveaways began to lose their appeal because they became too common, too easy to pass by.

Summits often seemed overwhelming with so many interviews to listen to, a lot less people signed up for them.

But things have changed in the past decade. There are far fewer summits now and with the online world growing exponentially…the demand for education is rising too.

So this year, I have developed a NEW innovative collaboration that will bring together the BEST of both giveaways and summits – and create an incredible experience for all involved.

Stay tuned with me so you get the invitation when it’s open for registrations this March.
I’ll give you a sneak peek at my strategy, and why I love this new approach.

I’m bringing expert interviews back with a summit-giveaway-hybrid-style event. I will be asking my speakers thematic questions that bring out their unique wisdom. These interviews will reveal valuable online sales strategies and inspiring tips that you can’t find elsewhere from our experts.

In addition, I will make 1-page tip sheets from each speaker interview and put them together in a playbook. When you opt-in (with your complimentary pass), you’ll get access to the live interviews and then you’ll get to download the playbook for a quick summary.

This format is ultra-convenient for busy entrepreneurs. We’re making the interviews short and sweet too – just 20-minutes each. The speakers will be offering juicy bonus gifts to give even more great stuff away.

It’s going to be a rich, substantial, stimulating event for anyone wanting to enroll more clients online. We’re carefully curating the interviews and playbook to give you specific, relevant content you can apply for results!

I have great speakers on board so far - and there are a few more open speaking spots. 

If you have experience and expertise to share on the topic of online sales or enrolling clients virtually, and you have a responsive email list of at least 10,000 entrepreneurs, email and ask for more information about speaking in my new summit.

And remember, stay with me because we’ll be inviting you to participate in March! I look forward to seeing you soon.