Vrinda’s Visibility Checklist

The Ideal Client Manifester

Thursday  August 31, 2023

You need to get your marketing messages SEEN by more of your ideal clients so you can fill your programs, courses and events. But this is one of the biggest challenges I see entrepreneurs struggling with!

When you have a non-existent or small email list, it can feel even harder to get in front of more potential clients.

And frankly, even if you have a medium or large list, you still constantly need to grow it with new subscribers. Visibility is a never-ending priority to keep your business thriving and profitable.

In my 15 years of experience growing my online business, I have found that planning specific launch periods when I’m hyper-focused on filling a program or event is the most effective visibility booster.

That’s because during a well-executed launch, you and other people are blasting your marketing messages everywhere possible during a short period of time. Your audience is seeing your message multiple times from multiple sources.

This increases your credibility and makes your marketing even more effective. When people have the sense that they’re seeing you “everywhere,” they’re far more likely to stop and pay closer attention.

The main purpose of visibility is to attract your ideal clients to your opt-in pages, where they can sign up free for valuable educational gifts. Then you build your email list, which is the ultimate goal

Your email list is the only visibility asset that you own completely and control.

Whenever you want to invite people to a new offer, you email your list! It’s quick and easy – and gets you in front of subscribers who’ve been building relationships with you. They’re already interested.

It’s great to expand your reach on social media and other online platforms, but remember you don’t own them. You can be cut off from a certain social media audience at any time. So build your following while you simultaneously invite people to get on your email list!

Here are my top 3 favorite ways to reach more ideal clients online:

1. Look for HUBS of your ideal clients. Where do they gather? What are they interested in? A great place to start is with Facebook Groups. There’s a Facebook Group for pretty much every kind of person and niche.

Join the group and start connecting with people by adding value. Provide helpful comments and engage in discussions. When it’s appropriate (how or when is up to each group owner) share about your free resources and invite people to your opt-in page. Another great audience building strategy is to start your own Facebook Group that’s named specifically for your ideal clients. 

2. Who else markets to your ideal clients? Other businesses are also fantastic hubs to find more of the right people, because they’re building their own email lists. Your number one most effective way to get seen and get quality list building results is to form promotional, referral, or Joint Venture partnerships. These involve different forms of collaborating with other entrepreneurs, usually where you take turns promoting each other.

In my Irresistible Marketing Club, I teach the proven strategies for creating lucrative partnerships that rapidly boost your visibility. In one of my early experiences with this back in 2011, one strong referral partner put 1,000 new people on my email list within one day!

When people promote you to their email list, they are endorsing you and your offer. The referrals they send are far more trusting than any other traffic source (like ads for example). Think of this as “Word of mouth” marketing on hyperdrive. It’s “Word of email” and it has always been the most powerful visibility accelerator. 

One tip to get started: look for businesses who help clients right before they’re ready for your solution. For example, my first Joint Venture partnership was with a company who taught people how to create information products. Once their clients created their products, the next thing they needed was copywriting to sell them online! So this company booked me as a guest speaker to teach copywriting at their event. Our partnership resulted in multiple 6-figures in sales over several years.   

3. Look for events marketed to your ideal clients. Can you participate in these events to network, sponsor or better yet, be a guest speaker? Speaking positions you as an expert and trusted authority, so that’s always the BEST opportunity for event visibility when you can find it.

Start by doing an online search for summits, events, and podcasts for your ideal clients or on topics your ideal clients are interested in. Prepare an enticing Signature Talk and see if the host wants to feature you! Reach out to as many hosts as possible, as long as they seem like a fit, and keep following up. You may not always hear back, and you’re going to have to get used to rejection many times. But this is a numbers game. Eventually, someone is going to invite you to speak for their audience. And when they do, be ready with an irresistible free gift that you invite people to opt-in for.

The better you get at speaking, the easier this will become. Hosts will invite you back repeatedly and refer you to speak at other events. Audience members will be impressed with you and invite you to speak at their events, or recommend you to other hosts. You’ll be in high demand!

You’ll find that with any visibility strategy, you’ll get bigger, faster results when you make your marketing messages irresistible. The hotter your copy, the more people take action. You get more subscribers, bigger audiences, and ultimately more clients with a lot less effort.

That’s why we focus on optimizing your copy at every stage of the marketing process in my Irresistible Marketing Club. See more about that here.

And if you’re looking for the BEST way to transform potential clients into high-paying clients you love working with, I invite you to my High-Profit Online Events Virtual Retreat.

This is a 2.5-day deep dive experience where I show you how to fill your premium program and earn 5 to 6 figures in 2 to 3 days by hosting your own online enrollment event. 

Early bird discounted tickets are available here!